Chapter Projects

NHS Subcommittee hours also count as chapter project hours!

Back to School Mom 2 Mom Sale

September 21st, 2024

Friends of Foster Kids

All Year Round

Freights & Delights 

October 25th, 2024

5K for Foster Kids

TBD, 2025

Giving Tree

NHS is doing a Giving Tree for Friends of Foster Kids. 

The giving tree is in front of the NHS Bulletin Board. 

1 tag is equal to 1 hour (no more than 3 hours will be counted). 

Once you take a tag scan the QR code to fill out this Quick Form: Giving Tree Form  

All items need to be turned into B-17 by December 18th 

NHS Testimonial Videos 

Make a 30 second to 1 minute testimonial video about NHS. 

It can be about: your experience being a NHS member, a service that you have done, or what one of the pillars means to you. 

One video is equal to 1 hour. These videos will be posted on the website. 

Email the video to 

Donations & Drives